Training Camps
Póvoa e Meadas - Castelo de Vide

Year: 2014
Map Area: 0,8 km2
Map Maker: Raquel Costa
Event: NAOM 2008, NAOM 2014
Scale: 1/5.000
GPS: 39°30’ 34.03’’ N / 7° 31’ 31.45’’ O
2 forest sprints - 3km (1,5+1,5)
Focus: self-talk, control exit
Course setter: Eva Jurenikova
Multi - technique Training - 2.1Km
Map has three distinct parts, and each part has different elements (contours and rock elements, contours, vegetation and rock elemets and only rock elements). The runner as to adapt to them.
Course Setter - Tiago Gingão Leal