Training Camps
Arez - Nisa

Year: 2007 and 2013
Map Area: 1,8 km2
Map Maker: Tiago Aires e Raquel Costa
Event: NAOM 2007, NAOM 2013
Scale: 1/10.000
GPS: 39° 29’ 12.63’’ N / 7° 43’ 24.73’’O
Training: T1
Normal Middle distance Course - 5,7Km
Course setter: Tiago Gingão Leal
Training: T1a Circle - 4,4km
One small course followed by a Circle training plus another small course.
Training begins with a small course.
The finish control of that course will be the first control of the circle training.
The circle training only has rock features and contours and the map may not be oriented.
I recommend not to use the compass.
After you punch the last control of the circle (the last control of the circle is also the first one) there is another small course.