Arez - Nisa


Year: 2007 and 2013

Map Area: 1,8 km2

Map Maker: Tiago Aires e Raquel Costa

Event: NAOM 2007, NAOM 2013

Scale: 1/10.000

GPS: 39° 29’ 12.63’’ N / 7° 43’ 24.73’’O

: T1

Normal Middle distance Course - 5,7Km

Course setterTiago Gingão Leal

Training: T1a 
Circle - 4,4km

One small course followed by a Circle training plus another small course.

  • Training begins with a small course.

  • The finish control of that course will be the first control of the circle training.

  • The circle training only has rock features and contours and the map may not be oriented.

  • I recommend not to use the compass.

  • After you punch the last control of the circle (the last control of the circle is also the first one) there is another small course.